If you are looking for brunette jokes, blonde brunette jokes than you are at right place.Here you can also find brunette jokes, blonde and brunette jokes, blonde brunette redhead jokes, brunette joke, brunette redhead jokes, blonde brunette and redhead jokes brunette and redhead jokes, brunettes jokes, dumb brunette jokes, blonde brunette joke, blonde brunette red head jokes, brunette red head jokes, funny brunette jokes, blonde brunette and red head jokes, brunette and red head jokes. So enjoy your stay here
- Q: What's a brunette that has dyed her hair ?
A: Artificial intelligence.
- Q: Why are brunettes so proud of their hair?
A: It matches their mustache.
- There was 3 girls on the run being chased by cops, they went in a barn and hid in 3 seperate potato bags.
The cops picked up the 1st bag and the auburn says "meow meow".
The cops said there's nothing in this bag except kittens they picked up the 2nd one and the brunette says, "woof woof"
The cops say there's nothing but puppys in this bag they picked up the 3rd one and the blonde says, "THERE"S NO-ONE IN HERE!"
- Q: Why does a brunette have curtains on her PC?
A: To open windows
- Q: Is it tru blonds have more fun?
A: No, they have ALL the fun.
- Q: What do you call a brunette in a room full of blondes?
A: Invisible