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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Funny / Dirty / Best Helen Keller Jokes

If you are looking for helen keller joks, new helen keller jokes than you are at right place.Here you can also find jokes about helen keller, dirty helen keller jokes, best helen keller jokes, funny helen keller jokes, helen keller joke, helen keller jokes. So enjoy your stay here.

  • How does Helen Keller drive?
    One hand on the wheel and one hand one the road!

  • What was Helen Kellers favorite color.

  • Q. Why is all of Helen Keller‘s face burnt?

    A. She was bobbing for french fries.

  • Why does Helen Keller have holes in her face?
    She tried eating with a fork.

  • Why Did Helen Kellers Dog Run Away?

    cause You Would Run Away Too If Your Name Was Baaaraaalrra!!