If you are looking for Animal Jokes/joke than you are at right place.Here you can also find Animals Jokes, Funny Animals Jokes, Jokes On Animals . So enjoy your stay here.
- A cat was running wildly down alleys, up fire escapes, down cellars and what-not. A neighbor knew whose cat it was and reported it. "Your cat is running around like mad."
"I know," answered the owner. "He's just been sterilized and he is canceling engagements."
- An ant and an elephant share a night of romance. The next morning the ant wakes up and the elephant is dead.
"Shit!" says the ant. "One night of passion and I will spend the rest of my life digging a grave!"
- A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... They must be Gods!
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... I must be a God!
- A lady opened her refrigerator and saw a rabbit sitting on one of the shelves. "What are you doing in there?" she asked.The rabbit replied: "This is a Westinghouse, isn't it?" to which the lady replied, "Yes."
"Well," the rabbit said, "I'm westing."
- Two rabbits were being chased by a pack of wolves. The wolves chased the rabbits into a thicket. After a few minutes, one rabbit turned to the other and said, "Well, do you want to make a run for it or stay here a few days and out number them?"
- There was a hound dog laying in the yard. An old man in overalls was sitting on the porch."Excuse me, sir, but does your dog bite?" the tourist asked.
The old man replied, "Nope."
So the tourist stepped out of his car. The dog ran over snarling and growling and bit him on his arms and legs. As the dog was dragging him away the tourist was flailing around in the dust and yelled, "I thought you said your dog didn't bite!"
The old man replied, "Ain't my dog."